Subject: Nano Technology


SUBJECT: Nano Technology


To introduce and provide a broad view of the nascent field of nanotechnology to Undergraduates. To introduce students to inter- and multi-disciplinary science and engineering.


Unit-1 Limitations of CMOS

Fundamentals of MOSFET devices, Scaling of CMOS, Limitations, Alternative concepts in materials, Structures of MOS devices: SOI MOSFET, FINFETS, Dual Gate MOSFET, Ferroelectric FETs.

Unit-II Micro and Nano Fabrication

Optical Lithography, Electron beam Lithography, Atomic Lithography, Molecular beam epitaxy, Nano-lithography.

Unit-III Characterization Equipments 

Principles of Electron Microscopes, Scanning Electron Microscope, Transmission Electron Microscope, Atomic Force Microscope, Scanning Tunneling Microscope.

Unit-IV Nano Devices-1

Resonant tunneling diodes, Single electron devices, Josephson junction, Single Flux Quantum logic, Molecular electronics

Unit-V Nano Devices-11

Quantum computing principles, Obits, Carbon nanotubes (CNT): Characteristics, CNTFET,  Application of CNT-Spintronics: Principle. Spin valves, Magnetic Tunnel Junctions, Spin FETs, MRAM.

Course outcome:

After completion of this course student will be able to familiar with the important concepts applicable to small electronic devices, their fabrication, characterization and application:

Reference Books

  • Nano electronics and information technology Rainer Waser (Ed.). Wiley-VCH. 3rd Edition 2012 
  • A Microscopic Electronics in Solid State Nanostructure Thomas Heinzel Wiley-VCH, 2008
  • Nanotechnology-(Basic Science and Emerging Technologies)Mick Wilson, Kamali Kannangara. Geoff Smith, Michelle Simmons, Burkhard RaguseOverseas Press, 2002


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